Theme for Colliders 2024 and 2025: Enhance Connections for Sustainable Futures
People have needs and desires that can be aided by technological solutions. People need to be connected with other people, with society, with goods and services, and so on. Connections can be made with information, culture, social sites, leisure and wellness, services, transport, and so on.
Connections for people can in the sphere of community engagement and empowerment; digital connectivity; culture; health and well-being, and so on.
Do you need a product, service, or problem that helps connect people better with their needs and desires?
Nature is all our natural resources and our environment. We draw from nature to get food, energy, and materials for production. At the same time, we are connected with nature for our well-being and health. Sustainable nature requires us to take from nature and also to give back for future generations.
Connections for nature can be in the sphere of biodiversity; renewable energy; green and blue infrastructure; sustainable production; ecological products, and so on.
How can you improve your consumption or production of resources in a sustainable way?
How to deal with scarce resources and act in responsible manners that enhance efficiency, reduce material use, and at the same time yield improved results and outcomes?
Technology and connections deals with Internet of Things; logistics and transportation; green/blue data centers, distribution, technology that supports nature and people, and so on.
Are you engaged with technology for distribution, transport, communication, logistics?