28th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU Prague in cooperation with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU Prague and the Faculty of Information Technology CTU Prague will be held on May 23, 2024.

The objective of the international student conference POSTER 2024 is to provide an international forum for presentation of the undergraduate and postgraduate student research work in the field of electrical and electronic engineering and informatics. As previous changes to the conference proved successful, hereafter the conference will follow this pattern:

The authors will register for the Conference by submitting either an extended abstract (2 pages) or full paper (4 pages) according to their preferences.
Authors may specify if they do not wish their extended abstracts published.
Authors of work published elsewhere may participate without the possibility of publication in the Conference Proceedings and participation in the Best Poster Award Competition. Such authors are invited to contact the Organizing Committee.

All accepted contributions will be presented as posters in eight parallel one-day sessions and published (if not opted out) in conference proceedings (downloadable from the conference web site). Contributions will be accepted based on scientific contents and quality of presentation including good English. 
NOTA: All authors must have a student status! Supervisors can be mentioned in Acknowledgement.


C       Communications

BI      Biomedical Engineering

EI      Electronics and Instrumentation

HST  History of Science and Technology

IC     Informatics and Cybernetics

PE    Power Engineering and Material Sciences

NS   Natural Sciences

M    Management

All the deadlines and detailed technical information are available at the website of the Conference.

, Last change: 13.12.2023