As part of CTU’s involvement in the international EuroTeQ project, students have the unique opportunity to study virtually selected elective courses at leading technical universities in Europe.
The courses offered to students participating in the EuroTeQ project are taught in English and are generally available online or in hybrid form (EuroTeQ students attend online, home students in campus) eventually in blended form. Please note that if a blended course is chosen, the student may have to cover the travel costs to the partner university from their own financial resources.
For each course in the catalogue there is also information about the type of study for which the course is primarily designated. We recommend that students choose primarily from the courses that are designed for their type of study to avoid possible rejection from the partner university in case of full capacity. We also ask students to consider their level of English relevant to their chosen course. Recommended English proficiency level is B2.
You can choose from courses involved in the EuroTeQ Course Catalogue available here.
Last Call for Seats: Deadline January 20, 2025
If you are interested in the courses offered in the catalogue and have chosen a course you would like to study at one of the partner universities, please send an email to BcA. Karolína Zítková at the following email address:, and provide her following information:
- name,
- the title of course you are interested in,
- your personal CTU student number,
- your faculty and study program at CTU,
- type of study (BA/MA/PhD)
Please, be responsible during selection of courses so that we can rank among our partner universities not only in terms of the number of students interested in studying these courses, but also in terms of the number of students who have successfully completed their studies.
Please remember that the final decision about acceptance to the chosen course is left to the host institution.
If a student is no longer able to participate in the course chosen, it is necessary to inform the teacher immediately, as well as the coordinator of the host university and the coordinator of CTU –
If a student decides not to follow the course anymore, they may be asked to share the reason for it. Collection of withdrawal reasons is an important feedback for us and will serve to improve the quality of student exchange in the future.
Credit Recognition
Transcripts for credits gained are in most cases shared between project coordinators. After receiving them, they send them to the faculty where the student is studying and ask the Vice Dean for Studies to a credit recognition at CTU. The Vice Dean for Studies will make the final decision whether or not the credits will be recognized. If a student wishes to be assured of credit recognition, it is recommended that he/she contact the Vice Dean of Studies before nominating the student for the course through the CTU Coordinator.
The recognition of credits for elective courses taken at partner universities depends on the study programme. If the study programme offers elective courses, the credits from EuroTeQ courses will be recognized as elective courses. If the degree programme does not offer elective courses, credits for successfully completed courses from the foreign university will be credited to students as extra credit towards their studies. In both cases, courses taken within the EuroTeQ project will be listed in the Diploma Supplement, including the name of the university where the student has completed the course.
Please note that the transfer of credits may take longer due to the different length of semesters and layout of academic years at each partner university.
There is no penalty if a student fails to complete successfully an elective course at the partner university (difficulty, scheduling conflicts, etc.) and thus obtain the necessary credits.
By joining the EuroTeQ project, students automatically become members of the EuroTeQ community. As the ambassadors of EuroTeQ, they agree to answer a questionnaire.