The EuroTeQaThon took place at CTU in Prague from 10 to 12 June 2023
The EuroTeQaThon is the highlight event of the EuroTeQ Collider and concludes the implementation of the challenge-based teaching format in an event of the six partner universities.
The main theme of all Collider projects is “Leave No Waste Behind”. In the Collider, they worked on real challenges provided by companies. For the third EuroTeQaThon, teams that are the most innovative, have the most impact or are most ready to launch were chosen. They are chosen by their home universities in spring 2023. Then they are invited to further develop their concepts and compete in an international contest during the EuroTeQaThon weekend.
Details and stream from the final of the competition ca be find here.
Photogallery, author: Anna Jeřábková
Photogallery, author: Petr Neugebauer SVTI ČVUT FEL
Participants will have the opportunity to:
- present their work so far
- define their goals for the weekend and beyond
- develop their concrete strategies
The concepts and initial prototypes developed in the Collider had to meet the requirement of the theme of the first Collider, “Leave no Waste behind”. The ideas developed can be based on a scientific question, grow into a start-up business model as an innovative idea or serve as the basis for a sustainable student initiative.
An international jury determined which team and project is the most innovative or had the largest impact, or was the most readily available to launch. Together with all presenting teams, they showcased the best and most inspiring work of students solving problems of today and tomorrow.